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Sales agent

Chişinău 28 Octombrie 2024, 12:54 Vizualizări: 75
Engineering company sited in Chisinau working as a system integrator in Industrial Automation and robotics is searching for personnel for the vacant position of SALES AGENT for MOLDOVA area.

Requirements for our candidates are:
- Knowledge of English language level, B1.
- Experience of minimum 1 year.
- Preferred university degree in electric engineering or related disciplines.
- Preferred Knowledge of the Italian language.

We offer:
- Long-term employment after the trial period.
- Economic treatment: base salary + expenses refund + commission.

Candidates may send their CVs in the English language by e-mail at [email protected].


  • Forma de angajare
  • Programul de lucru
    Full time
  • Studii
  • Tipul de locuri de muncă
  • Domenii de activităţi
    Producție, industrie
  • Specializare
    Ingineri, tehnologi
  • Locația postului vacant
    în Moldova
  • Chişinău